Thunder Marshal Sasha & Pound Hopper

Thunder Marshal Sasha & Pound Hopper

Orcus Revels in the Strong and Shuns the Weak.

Thunder Marshal Sasha

Born the daughter of a Duroc and later enslaved, Sasha showed her ability in the saddle early on by taking Draga Thunder Bane's cavalry on a wild chase the day her tribe was sacked. Seeing her potential he made her a commander in his cavalry before she ascended the ranks and became Thunder Marshal and his personal trusted consul.

Author Thoughts

In book one Sasha does not have much of a role to the narrative, but in book two is where I fall in love with this character. With Sasha I explored the theme of motherhood in a world of extreme violence. Due to the nature of the world of ogres it common for ogresses to be single mothers. She is a warrior badass that becomes caring mother and does everything in her ability to give her children the best chance of survival she can.

Pond Hopper

The tharrack is the preferred mount of the steppe ogres. It is a dinosaur-like beast with extreme endurance and numbers in the tens of millions. Pond Hopper is a unique known as a red crested tharrack. A red crested tharrack is an exceptionally vicious beast because it will often cannibalize its own kind, giving its crest the red pigmentation. Amongst ogres only the most skilled riders can tame a red crested tharrack and is considered the mark of an expert rider in their culture.

Join me!

I am gearing up for my eventual book release hopefully this summer, but this final draft is really grinding. This is my fourth draft, and I poured my heart and soul into this story. My goal is to transport my reader to this world of blood, gore, and general bad assry to give my reader an escape just like some many other authors have done for me. If you like what I am doing please consider joining my news letter. I have not sent any emails out yet because I respect people that trust me enough with their personal emails. Thanks for reading this far have a great day.

-Horse Dragon-