Sinking to the Bottom. (In a good way)

Sinking to the Bottom. (In a good way)

Being self-employed is akin to navigating a vast ocean of knowledge. You've taken the swimming courses, but with so much to do, it's overwhelming to determine where to start. So, you submerge yourself, diving to the ocean's floor, and find that one spot—your niche. It's where you touch bottom, and from there, you kick back up to float a bit longer.

I'm not sure if this ocean analogy is heading where I want it to. Anyway!

Just finished recording the audio for my inaugural YouTube video on writing, titled 'Narrator Notes'. Now, onto the enjoyable process of editing! I'm feeling optimistic about this video, although I know it may not garner a lot of views. That's alright! I have a strong sense of belief in this path. I feel like I'm bringing value and, well, some entertainment. I know there's still a long road ahead.